Sole intention: Teaching the ignorant. Added bonus: Laughing at people who believe they're intelligent, yet cannot properly define 'primarily', nor use it in it's correct context - (drmiler), and people who contradict themselves on the initial idea of ab
It's funny to see the fat jiggle when they cry ^^.
Published on January 20, 2006 By Shattered_Faith In Welcome
I hate ignorant people.
Belive in what you like, it's a free world after all, for the most part. But don't you dare preach that shit to me, when I'm entirely capable of forming my own opinions and of supporting my own morals. In particular if the forementioned people are far from perfect themselves, they think that believing in one random cause redeems them of being disgustingly obese/ drug users/ etc.
Let me be me, and I'll let you be you.
But if you don't, be prepared for some home-fucking-truths.

on Jan 20, 2006
Let you be you.

Ok and that would killing ho, filthy mouth having, no intelligence brewing, asshole.

Your parents must be so proud.
on Jan 20, 2006
it's a free world after all, for the most part. But don't you dare preach that shit to me, when I'm entirely capable of forming my own opinions and of supporting my own morals.

Ignorance = condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.... You hate these qualities.... it's your right to be you....

We don't know one another. Normally I wouldn't bother with a post such as yours, but a couple of your comments struck a note. "You hate ignorance" and apparently overweight people . When a supposedly educated person such as yourself speaks as you have here you paint yourself as simple, vulgar and lacking vocabulary to express yourself properly, in essesnce uneducated there by hating exactly what your reflecting. I know it's a free world, but is that your intent?

What annoying.... people that profess the antonym of ignorance = educated. Yet, their communication skills paint them otherwise.
on Jan 21, 2006

The profanity in your title is against the terms of service/use, as is the profanity you used in the body of your article.  You should have marked your blog with an 'adult content' label.  You didn't, and violating the TOS like that could get you exiled forever.

I hope.  'Cause from what I've seen, you're a bit of a prick.  Well, not just a BIT...a lot. 

on Jan 25, 2006
Personally, I think you ring a chord with a couple of exiled/confined bloggers. I would bet good money you have been to this site many times before under a different pen name and have waited some time for things to cool off in hopes that you might be able to sneak in. If I am right, you failed.

Let's start with your title. If you are going to use the word fucking in the title, why use arse and not ass? It doesn't make much sense. If the profanity doesn't make you seem ignorant, that does.

Hate is a strong word. Do you dislike or hate ignorant people? I would bet that someone in your family or possibly even you might just be a fat ass. Just because someone may be obese doesn't make them ignorant. To draw that conclusion, again makes you seem ignorant.

Now get serious, I don't think anyone here is perfect and I doubt anyone at this site holds themselves in such high regard. Everyone here is human. We have faults and problems, issues and dilemmas. You can't honestly say you aren't faced with similar problems. No one's life is perfect. If you believe that, once again you prove your ignorance.

Why should anyone here just let you be you when you are attacking people on a personal level? You should be prepared for some real truth.

I almost commented on this article on Sunday, but I waited. I wanted to push this back into the forums so that an admin can see the hate filled spew coming from your finger tips. Have a fucking nice day!